
  • Санобар Атауллаевна Дустназарова

Ключевые слова:

Засоление, почва, орошение, схемы, трубопроводы, автоматизация, полив


Tuproqning sho'rlanish sharoitida sug'oriladigan maydonni tashkil etish dastlab asbest-sement va poloser quvurlari ZOS (yopiq sug'orish tizimi) yordamida paxtani jo'yaklar bo'ylab sug'orish texnikasi va texnologiyasi bilan ishlab chiqilgan. Sug'orishni avtomatlashtirish uchun moslamalarning tanlangan sxemalari. Yopiq quvurlarni sug'orish va tashishni gidravlik hisoblash usuli keltirilgan.

Библиографические ссылки

State program "Action Strategy" for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017–2021, adopted by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on February 7, 2017, No. PF-4947.

State program of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the development of irrigation networks and improvement of the reclamation state of irrigated lands for 2018-2019.

Kostyakov A.N. Basics of land reclamation. Moscow: Selkhozgiz, 1960, p-621

Laktaev N.T. Cotton watering. Moscow. Kosol. 1978.175s

Natalchuk M.F., Akhmedov Kh.A., Olgarenkov V.A. Operation of irrigation and drainage systems. Moscow, 1983

Serikbaev B.S., Baraev F.A. and other Workshop on EAGMS. Tashkent "Mekhnat" 1996

Serikbaev B.S. Influence of uneven water supply, expediency of its use. J. “Mechanization of cotton growing.” Tashkent. 1966 year

Serikbaev B.S., Baraev F.A. "Operation of irrigation and drainage systems" Tashkent-2014.

Bases of automation and automation of production processes in hydromelioration Moscow.1981.

Serikbayeva E.B. Problems of improving water use in the Aral Sea basin // Kitob “Qishlok khzhaligi taqiyotining ilmiy asoslari”. Toshkent, 2001, pp. 136-138

Issaelsen O.W. Irrigation principles and practices. 1950 Willey

Khamidov, M., Isabaev, K., Urazbaev, I.,Islamov, U., Inamov, A., Mamatkulov Z., Application of geoinformation technologies for sustainable use of water resources. European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine. Volume 7, Issue 2, September 2020, Pages 1639-1648

Urazbaev, I.a, Kasimbetova, S.a,Akhmedjanova, G.a, Soniyazova, Z.b Development of agrotechnical methods and application of biomeliorant plants in the lower areas of Amudarya. European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine. Volume 7, Issue 2, September 2020, Pages 844-849

Khamidov, M.Kh.a, Isabaev, K.T.a, Urazbaev, I.K., Islomov, U.P. Inamov, A.N. Hydromodule of irrigated land of the southern districts of the republic of karakalpakstan using the geographical information system creation of regional maps. European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine. Volume 7, Issue 2, September 2020, Pages 1649-1657


