
  • J.A. Rizaev
  • A.A. Shodmonov
  • K.J.Olimjonov


dental implantation, peri-implantitis, mucositis


Reducing the number of complications after dental implantation remains an urgent problem in dentistry. All risk factors can be divided into general (comorbidities, bad habits, systemic pathology, condition after radiation therapy, etc.,) and local (unsatisfactory dentures, poor oral hygiene, periodontal disease, iatrogenic conditions, defects in the transgingival part of the implant and etc). Understanding the course of inflammatory and destructive processes around a dental implant after its installation directs scientists and implant manufacturers to improve the already used conservative and surgical methods of treating these diseases, as well as to pay more attention to the prevention of this pathology, and, accordingly, risk factors for its development. The development of new methods of surgical interventions and prosthetics, the creation of new implant systems will help to increase the service life of dental prostheses on implants, improve the quality of life of patients.


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