
  • KHURSANOV Yokubjon Erkin ugli
  • MAKHMUDOV Saydinjon Botirjon ugli
  • KURBANIYAZOV Zafar Babajanovich


Cheklangan churra, taranglashmagan gernioplastika.


The world literature covers in sufficient detail the indications and contraindications for abdominal wall plastic surgery for inguinal, umbilical hernias and postoperative ventral hernias, the method and technique of performing the operation itself, and the advisability of using one or another synthetic material. Most observations have established favorable not only immediate but also long-term results of planned surgical treatment of patients. However, the question of the use of tension-free hernioplasty in urgent surgery remains relevant.


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Abduraxmanov D. S. et al. Tensioned hernioplasty and abdominoplasty in patients with morbide obesity // Bulletin of Science and Education. – 2021. – №. 3-2 (106). – С. 88-98. (in Russ).

Akhmedov B. A. et al. Advanced long-tension hernioalloplasty method for inguinal hernia // Volgamedscience. – 2021. – С. 335-336. (in Russ).

Mardonov B. A., Sherbekov U. A., Vohidov J. J. Modern approaches to the treatment of patients with ventral hernias and simultaneous pathologies // Clinical and experimental pathology. – 2018. – T. 17. – No. 3. (in Russ).

Abdurakhmanov D., Rakhmanov K., Davlatov S. Tactical and technical aspects of surgical interventions for abdominal hernias and combined abdominal pathology // Journal of hepato-gastroenterological studies. – 2021. – T. 2. – No. 3. – pp. 11-16. (in Russ).

Abdurakhmanov D., Usarov Sh., Rakhmanov K. Criteria for choosing surgical treatment of patients with ventral hernias and obesity // Journal of hepato-gastroenterological studies. – 2021. – T. 2. – No. 3. – pp. 17-22. (in Russ).

Babazhanov A. S. et al. Criteria for choosing hernioallo- and abdominoplasty based on the results of hernioabdominometry // Journal of biomedicine and practice. – 2022. – T. 7. – No. 4. (in Russ).

Kurbaniyazov Z. B., Sherbekov U. A., Mardonov B. A. Rationale for simultaneous operations for abdominal hernias based on the results of a study of “stress” hormones //Re-health journal. – 2021. – No. 2 (10). – pp. 247-255. (in Russ).

Kurbaniyazov Z. B., Sherbekov U. A., Mardonov B. A. Perioperative dynamics of “stress” hormones during simultaneous operations in patients with abdominal hernias // Sciences of Europe. – 2021. – No. 70-2. – P. 26-33. (in Russ).

Makhmudov S. B., Babazhanov A. S., Abdurakhmanov D. Sh. Criteria for choosing plastic surgery in patients with postoperative ventral hernias and abdominoptosis // Achievements of Science and Education. – 2022. – No. 5 (85). – P. 40-45. (in Russ).

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