
  • KAMALOVA Feruza Rakhmatillaevna
  • MAMEDOVA Nigina Shobaxromovna


odontogenic infection, disease development factors, immunity, wound, prevention.


The use of immunocorrective drugs in the prevention of many diseases is considered one of the modern methods of treatment. According to E. V. Zoryan (1999), this is one of the most effective treatment methods, serving to prevent complications and relapses of the disease (levamisole, prodigiosin, T-activin), which mainly affect general immunity. Drugs that stimulate the immune process and activate cells of the immune component (T- and B-lymphocytes) and additional immune factors (macrophages and secretory immunoglobulins).


Kamalova F. R., Еshonkulov G.T. The study of the prevalence of anomalies of the dentition in the bukhara region, their early diagnosis and treatment// Academicа: Vol. 10 Issue 1, January. Vol. 1. - 2020. - Р. 61-63.

Kamalova F. R., Еshonkulov G.T., Radjabov A. A., Saidova M.A. The study of anomalies of maxilla-facial system of children's age in the Bukhara region// Academica: December. - 2019. Vol. 12. - Р. 63-67.

Kamalova F.R. Development and evaluation of the effectiveness of the dental dental examination program for children with diabetes in adverse envir-onmental Conditions// Academicia10 Issue 1, January. - 2020. Vol. 1. - Р. 1364 - 1366.

Kamalova F.R. Elaboration and evaluation of the effecctiveness of the dental examination program for children with diabetes// Актуальныевызовысовременнойнауки. Сборник научных трудов выпуск. - 2020. - № 4 (48). - Р. 55-56.

Kamalova F.R., Eronov Yо.Q., Turaeva F.А., AfakovaM.Sh.,Eshonkulov G.T. The dynamics of the prevalence of diabetes and the study of dental status in children of the Bukhara region// International Journal of Applied Research. - 2019. Vol. 5.09. - Р. 151-154.

Kamalova F.R., Radjabov A.A., Turaeva F.А., AfakovaM.Sh. Frequency of spread of a short frenum of the tongueand upper lip in preschool// Ajmr- December. - 2019. - Р. 126-129.

Kamalova F.R., Rakhmatova D.R., Turaeva F.A., EronovYo.Q. Сhanges in microflora and non-specific factors protection of the oral cavity in children with inflammatory diseases maxillofacial area// Asian Academic Research journais. – 2019. Vol. 4.09. – Р. 68-70.

Kamalova F.R., Rakhmatova D.R., Turaeva F.A., EronovYo.Q. Сhanges in microflora and non-specific factors protection of the oral cavity in children with inflammatory diseases maxillofacial areа// "Actual problems of dentistry". – 2019. - P. 15-16.

Kamalova F.R., Rakhmatova D.R., Turaeva F.A., EronovYo.Q., Eshonkulov G.T. The dynamics of the prevalence of diabetes and the study of dental status in children of the bukhara region// Ajmr-november. - 2019. Vol. 4.09. - Р. 151-153.

