
  • Javlon Abduraimovich Yuldashev
  • Mavluda Nematovna Karimova
  • Doniyar Anvarovich Pulatov


bilateral breast cancer, metachronous breast cancer, synchronous breast cancer, immunohistochemistry, unilateral breast cancer, multicentric breast cancer


The lack of understanding of bilateral breast cancer is a much more complex problem for oncologists. Today the incidence of unilateral as well as bilateral breast cancer is much higher than 10 years ago, which makes this problem even more urgent. Information about the causes of bilateral breast cancer, important criteria for the development of the disease, early diagnosis of the disease and early detection of the possibility of bilateral metachronous cancer, as well as preventive measures are not fully covered in the literature, scientific studies. In this article, the authors analyze the data of the recommendations of the international scientific society and the results of large clinical trials on bilateral breast cancer. Also, important criteria in the development of metachronous and synchronous breast cancer were analyzed, the results of clinical and morphological, immunohistochemical aspects were studied. The reasons for the development and modern knowledge about the diagnosis of bilateral breast cancer have been studied. In particular, the authors reviewed and studied about 40 foreign and domestic scientific works devoted to this problem.


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