distal radioulnar joint, radius, ulna, radioulnar angle, Galeatia injuriesAbstract
The article presents x-ray indicators and methods for their assessment in cases of distal instability of the radioulnar joint in children; the results of x-ray examination of 28 children are studied. The age of the patients ranged from 9 to 18 years; the patients' complaints mainly arose from pain in the wrist joint during movement or physical activity. All patients underwent direct, lateral and functional x-ray examination. Changes in the radioulnar angle in patients: a decrease in the angle in 7 patients, an increase in 17 patients and approaching normal values in 4 patients. In most patients (22 or 78.5%) a decrease in the volar angle to a negative value, without change in 2 (7.1%) patients and a change in the average value in 4 (14.2%) patients. There was a deviation of the radioulnar index from normal values of up to 3.1 mm. In 3 (10.7%) patients a null variant was identified, and in another 3 (10.7%) patients a negative variant was identified, while the radioulnar index did not change. Radioulnar distance was negative in 22 (78.5%) patients, ranging from -4.2 to -12.8 mm and positive in 6 (21.5%) patients, ranging from 2 to 12 mm. In 18 (64.2%) patients, the increase ranged from 4.7 to 12.7 mm, and in 10 (35.8%) there were values close to normal. The studied results and clinical examination show that with instability of the distal radioulnar joint, dislocation of the head of the ulna into the palmar region is often observed. Therefore, in case of distal instability of the radioulnar joint, it is necessary to conduct a functional X-ray examination. It is important to use these radiological indicators for planning surgical treatment.
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Статья поступила в редакцию 07.03.2024; одобрена после рецензирования 25.04.2024; принята к публикации 26.04.2024.
The article was submitted 07.03.2024; approved after reviewing 25.04.2024; accepted for publication 26.04.2024.
Информация об авторах:
Эранов Шерзод Нуралиевич - доцент кафедры травматологии и ортопедии. Самаркандский государственный медицинский университет, Самарканд, Узбекистан. Е-mail:,
Тиляков Хасан Азизович - заведующий кафедры травматологии-ортопедии, нейрохирургии и офтальмологии ФПДО. Самаркандский государственный медицинский университет, Самарканд, Узбекистан. Е-mail:,
Источники финансирования: Работа не имела специального финансирования.
Конфликт интересов: Авторы декларируют отсутствие явных и потенциальных конфликтов интересов, связанных с публикацией настоящей статьи.
Вклад авторов:
Эранов Ш.Н. — идеологическая концепция работы, написание текста; редактирование статьи; Тиляков Х.А. — сбор и анализ источников литературы, написание текста.
Information about the authors:
Eranov Sherzod Nuraliyevich - dotsent at the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics. Samarkand State Medical University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan. E-mail:,
Tilyakov Khasan Azizovich - Head of the Department of Traumatology-Orthopedics, Neurosurgery and Ophthalmology FPE. Samarkand State Medical University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan. E-mail:,
Sources of funding: The work did not receive any specific funding.
Conflict of interest: The authors declare no explicit or potential conflicts of interest associated with the publication of this article.
Contribution of the authors:
Eranov Sh.N. — ideological concept of the work, writing the text; editing the article;
Tilyakov Kh.A. — collection and analysis of literature sources, writing the text.