Нормативно-правовые акты
- The text must be in Microsoft Word.
- The format is A4.
- The left and right indents are 2 cm.
- Font – Times New Roman.
- The font size is 14.
- Line spacing is 1.15 cm.
- The paragraph is 1.25 cm.
- Graphic images and tables are indicated in color or black and white.
- Information about the name, place of work (place of study) of the author is indicated in the right corner of the document in italics.
- The title of the article is indicated – in large block letters in the center of the document.
- Brief annotation (font 12, interval 1) in Uzbek, Russian and English languages (for foreign authors, the Uzbek version is not required), the recommended number of words is 40-50.
- Key words and word combinations (at least 7-10) are presented in three languages – Uzbek, Russian and English (for Uzbek authors, the Uzbek version is not required).
- The surname, name and patronymic of the author are written separately.
- Footnotes in the text are indicated as follows: (1, p. 195), (3, pp. 20, 7, p. 68), (4).
- List of used literature is listed in alphabetical order, 12 font.