In this section, we provide basic information to help authors prepare their manuscripts appropriately in a standard format. Please read the instructions before submitting your work.
Below are the format details:
Transmittal letter
Author's resume (abstract)
Patient information
Clinical results, timing
Diagnostic evaluations
Therapeutic and surgical interventions
Follow-up observations and results
Patient point of view
References (5-7 sources)
The file format acceptable for the main handwritten document in Microsoft word. Please make sure the file must be editable for production processing. Figures, tables, and additional media files, if any, should be presented in separate files and should be available for editing for the convenience of processing the article. Please follow the styles and formats as shown below.
Title: on a new line, Times New Roman 14, bold, center alignment, no indentation.
Author (s): on the next line, symmetrically centered, font Times New Roman 12, bold, italic, center alignment - surname, name, patronymic of the authors (for each author - first surname, space, then initials without a space between them).
Institution and place of work: on the next line in the center (font Times New Roman 12, italics) - the full name of the university/institute, city, and country (in the center).
on the next line, symmetrically centered (Times New Roman 12, italics) - the email address of the first author.
Main text (Times New Roman 12, spacing 1, justified alignment, beginning of a new paragraph - indent 0.5 cm, normal margins).
Abbreviations: All abbreviations must have decoding in the text, for example, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH);
Laboratory data: For laboratory parameters, units of measurement and reference values should be indicated.
When describing a clinical case, the following plan should be followed: The uniqueness and relevance of the presented clinical case; description of the clinical case; discussion of the details of the diagnosis and the choice of treatment tactics, the characteristics and diagnostic value of the presented case and the conclusion.
Incomplete clinical cases should be avoided.